So, I came across a neat blog (on Pinterest, of course!) by designer Amanda Hawkins from that inspired what may become a great idea... Now, I have been looking for YEARS for a good online lesson planner--and I don't mean a type-it-in-and-we'll-save-it "lesson templates" where you type out your resources, standards, anticipatory set, direct instruction, etc. I teach kindergarten, for crying out loud! I certainly think about all those things each day, but I certainly don't write out full-on work sample lesson plans for every single thing we do each day! I want a customizable, weekly lesson planner just like the paper ones I make and print out--only online. I have a computing device in my hands way more often than I have my lesson plan binder, and for me it's much faster to type something in and copy links or pictures instead of hand-writing things out.
Amanda may have just solved my problem...
I tried my hand at a quick mock daily lesson plan template last night:
It's pretty scattered and very right-brained! I think it just may work, though! We shall see...
What is your favorite lesson plan method?